As a long time user of eDNA, I endorse without reservation becoming a member of the eDNA consortium…using the LIMS will greatly improve the efficiency of your laboratory testing operations.
I have used the eDNA LIMS system since it’s first Consortium release back in 2003/2004. Prior to implementing eDNA, my parentage testing laboratory used Office applications linked together into a patchwork system in which copy/paste was the order of the day and which was very manual in record keeping and reporting. With the introduction of eDNA, an actual seamless LIMS was made available for the identity testing laboratory. The eDNA platform is very stable and has capabilities currently that are very sophisticated in terms of the relationships that can be assessed accurately.
For laboratories that provide forensic DNA testing services, eDNA is robust and affords the forensic DNA analyst a complete suite of tools for tracking samples, for keeping complete case notes and test results that can be reproduced and printed if needed with a single key stroke. Unlike other software applications I am familiar with, the lab that uses eDNA is part of a consortium of labs and thus advances in the capabilities of eDNA are shared with peers. This strategic model is part of the reason eDNA has evolved over the years in ways that are user driven. There is no wasted functionality in the system.
Robert Allen, Ph.D.
Professor of Forensic Sciences
Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry.
Room E-323