Evidence and case status tracking are always “front and center”…with endless tools facilitating the entire laboratory’s turnkey processes. Case and sample information is always just a click away.
eDNA along with eSolve DNA Indexing System provides the forensic biology laboratory a robust and turnkey Laboratory Information Management System designed to facilitate every aspect of processing evidence from accessioning to final disposition.
Complex DNA calculations and report generation are templatized and facilitates the administrative and technical review processes. Database CODIS style searching is additionally supplemented with Y-STR haplotype and Familial searches.
Let eDNA assist you in making the transition to Probabilistic Genotyping with our latest robust tools allowing for the calculation of complex mixtures that include differentially degraded components! Onsite training is available to facilitate the transition from a traditional CPE/CPI routine to a fully probabilistic approach.
Transitioning away from the current forensic DNA typing interpretation protocols—Random Match Probability (RMP), Combined Probability of Inclusion (CPI) and the Random Man not Excluded (RMNE)—to Likelihood Ratios incorporating Probabilistic Genotype (PG) models that factor probability of Drop-out (Pr(D)) and Drop-in (Pr(C)) constitutes major change, yet, it is inescapable. Let’s get in front of it.
Binary models fail miserably on ambiguous profiles. So, what is there to be afraid of ? Perhaps, the thought of not being able to understand or explain PG.
Concerns might include:
- Overly complex calculations
- Conversely I think we will discover PG will greatly streamline interpretation processes while reducing subjectivity.
- Ability to adequately testify to the results
- Remove the fuzzy logic of existing subjective Crime Scene Profile (CSP) interpretation, ignored loci, 2p and a host of other problems with stochastic data—testimony might be less stressful.
- Validation of the PG method
- Currently there exists bastardization on how the modified RMP is used in interpreting CSPs…loci are haphazardly ignored, policy driven thresholds are implemented, 2p naively applied…wow, how did we ever validate that ludicrousness
We do not condone “Black Box” software applications—in our current mindset we believe an analyst should have a fundamental understanding of the calculations and that fundamental understanding should include the ability to successfully manually calculate simplistic scenarios using the PG model. To this end we have created the Step by Step PG guide and additionally provide a companion Spreadsheet to aid in the learning process and system validation. Feel free to contact the eDNA Steward for these tools and a live demo of what eDNA PG has to offer.