eDNA Laboratory Information
Management System (LIMS)

Complex DNA calculations and report generation are templatized and facilitates the administrative and technical review processes. Database CODIS style searching is additional supplemented with Y-STR haplotype and Familial searches.
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Strength in Numbers, The Consortium Concept
The eDNA Consortium currently consists of more than two dozen Forensic Biology Laboratories that have joined together in creating this powerful tool. No single small to medium size facility can undertake a million dollar LIMS venture however jointly the eDNA LIMS has evolved into a multifaceted software solution. The eDNA LIMS serves Relatedness, Forensic Biology, and DNA databasing facilities in all aspects of case management. Various integrated modules include a robust customer management console, online customer results accessibility, external agency integration, various work queues documenting results and interpretation reviews, kinship, mixture, random match probabilities calculations, report generation, and full equipment integration. New enhancements additionally include a user friendly interface allowing the ability to create and calculate any imaginable questioned kinship pedigree. Calculation options include the ability to consider mutations, silent alleles, population substructure…and will present the results as a likelihood along with the symbolic formula. The newest release includes robust Probabilistic Genotyping capabilities capable of calculating complex mixtures that include differentially degraded samples…in a matter of seconds!