How can eDNA be so Inexpensive?
The eDNA Consortium buy-in costs are very low for new Consortium Laboratories that pledge to enrich the eDNA functionality with commissioned enhancements that benefit all.
Since the year 2000 more than a million dollars of coding has been performed building and enhancing eDNA. It is truly the most intuitive yet comprehensive tool for the Forensic biology laboratory.
When a laboratory joins the eDNA Consortium they typically sanction and fund a new enhancement which is then made available to the other consortium members as a free upgrade.
The “all for one and one for all philosophy” sounds too good to be true but does in fact exist for consortium members. eDNA is not a corporate profit center—it is truly a philanthropic venture.
There will be a very low buy-in cost with certain levels of enhancement commitments—even relatively minor customization projects earns significant purchase credits.
Let eDNA serve as your million dollar LIMS foundation and let us add the functionality that best addresses your workflows.
Best of yet we code for cost when the new functionality is made available for the consortium wide release.